Name (required)
Event Date (required)
Event Venue (required)
Are you happy with the overall experience you received from Steven Honeyball? (required) Over the moon - it was perfect.YesNo
Our expectations... (required) were exceededwere metwere not met
How would you rate the sound system, light show and selection of music at your event? (required) Very HappyHappyOkPoorVery Poor
Do you feel you received Value for Money? Steven was too cheap for the services provided, I would've paid more!It was exactly what I was expecting.About rightToo expensive
Overall, how did you find your experience from initial meeting to booking and the actual event from Steven Honeyball? (Required)
Do you have any questions or comments? We'd be more than happy to hear them! (Required)
Would you recommend the services of Steven Honeyball to other people? YesNo
Can we use this feedback on our website? YesNo